

November 2024

JUA KALI – Bamako, Mali, in the frame of Festival BAM!

March 2025

Terror Vacui at Chaos Danse, Théâtre Astrée, Lyon.

September 2025

JUA KALI – Haba na Haba International Dance Festival, Tanzania.



June 2024

I am excited to be performing in Isabelle Schad’s durational piece « Studies on Infinity#2 – Nudity and Landscape » at Tanzhalle Wiesenburg.

Concept & Choreography | Isabelle Schad
Co-Choreography & Dance | Johanna Ackva, Viviana Defazio, Veronika Heisig, David Kummer, Yen Lee, Manuel Lindner, Jan Lorys, Lea Pischke, Arantxa Martinez, Aya Toraiwa, Maja Zimmerlin
Composition & Sound | Damir Simunović
Lighting Design | Bruno Pocheron
Production | Isabelle Schad
Photography | Dieter Hartwig

Funded by | Senatsverwaltung für Kultur und Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt des Landes Berlin Supported by | Wiesen55 e.V.

August 2024
The composer Yeve and I will be cooperating on their upcoming work « MmOTHERS ». Choirs, dance, communication, castle.

October 2024
The production JUA KALI has been invited to Haba na Haba International Dance Festival in Dar es Salaam in Tanzania.

November 2024
The production JUA KALI has been invited to Festival International BAM! in Siby / Bamako in Mali.


March 2024
Excited to join Open Practice Sessions again.

October 2023
20 October 2023, 8pm, TERROR VACUI premiere at Le Croiseur / Festival IMPulsion #11.
There are still tickets on the door!

July+August 2023
In residency at Le Croiseur – Scène Découvertes Danse, Lyon, working on the upcoming show TERROR VACUI

29+30 April 2023:
Severen Series II – At Kunstquartier Bethanien, Berlin
with Vladimir Dziomba, Yeve, Ojudun Taiwo Jacob, Jere Ikongio, Catri Foot
Performances and installations
Tickets on the door: 5 – 15 EUR sliding scale
More infos: click here

1+2 April 2023:
Severen Series I – At Tanzhalle Wiesenburg, Berlin
Two solos:
« I am spoken » by Vladimir Dziomba
« Darija Divan » by Lea Pischke
1 April 2023 – 8.30pm
2 April 2023 – 6.30pm
Tickets on the door: 5 – 15 EUR sliding scale
Tanzhalle Wiesenburg

January 2023:
JUA KALI is invited to a tour to Kenya in January 2023, with performances at Goethe-Institut Kenya, 27 & 28 January 2023 and a free five day workshop for local dancers.
The tour is supported by the NATIONALES PERFORMANCE NETZ Touring Fund Dance International,
funded by the Commissioner of the German Government for Culture and Media, and the Goethe-Institut Kenia.

September 2020:
I have joined STREAM, a newly founded collective for dance writing, associated with Tanzfabrik Berlin.
Click here for STREAM website

August 2020:
I am excited and thrilled to see the joint production « JUA KALI » with Kenyan choreographer Jared Ouma Onyango be awarded funding by the Capital Culture Fund Berlin (Hauptstadtkulturfonds) and by the Goethe-Institut’s International Co-Production Fund.

April 2020:
Pop-Up performance of « Hitler’s Death Day », in response to the City of Dresden’s incongruous decision to grant several right wing organisations an exceptional authorisation to hold a public march in order to celebrate Adolf Hitler’s birthday (20th of April), in the middle of a national Corona virus lockdown.
I enquired with Berlin’s local authorities, the City Police and the Ministry of the Interior, to be given an exceptional authorisation to march in front of the former Reichstag to celebrate Hitler’s death day (30th of April). The authorisation was granted, and so me and several of my dancer friends celebrated his death tied to each other with « social-rhizomatic ropes » in bearing the 1,5 metres distance, all the while pulling and dancing to a boombox mix of Mozart’s Requiem and Dixieland.

February 2020:
« Darija Divan » in a double-bill with Benjamin Coyle’s « Eldfell » at Barnes Crossing Theatre in Cologne.
To buy tickets

May 2019:
Performance of « Darija Divan », as part of the Performing Arts Festival in Berlin.

Away with the costume and welcome « fail, fail again, fail better » of communication.
The multiple layers of trying to understand through all channels available, the personal reinvention of the cultural history with new versions of the Arabesque, the infinite, the exposure of one’s own inadequacy in conversing in a tongue that is not one’s own, the exposure, the counter-integration into a not-so-distant culture, the « what if history had taken on another course? ». No answers given, questions raised.

Performing Arts Festival Berlin
Shows at Studio VERLIN

Tickets soon available here.

December 2018:
Performance of a spin-off of my « Darija » research, called « Darija Kharita », as part of the
Online Performance Art Festival (Belgrade, Serbia).

Performances were on the 9th of December in front of the Embassy of the Kingdom of
Morocco, the Pergamonmuseum and the Comical Opera Berlin.

Information on the performance itself and the festival:
Online Performance Art Festival

August 2018:
Intensive work week on the solo Darija together with dramaturge Guy Cools at Arbeitsplatz, Vienna.

May – June 2018:
Coming up with excitement: A two weeks residency at « Europäisches Zentrum der Künste Hellerau », Dresden for my solo Darija.

April 2018:
I am very happy to be part of Constanza Macras’ upcoming extended production « Something » which will premiere in May 2018.

February 2018:
Working on the solo « Darja » which has now become « Derija ».

October – December 2017:
I am delighted to announce that I will be working on my new solo « Darja – Liatahaddat »
in the fantastic cooperation with the choreographic centre Espace Darja in Casablanca.

Funded by the City of Berlin / Department for Cultural Affairs:

September 2017:
Thanks to an invitation by Constanza Macras / DorkyPark I will have the pleasure to be dancing in the piece « SOMETHING » questioning the nature of performance:
An examination of performative currents and an attempt to search honesty in performance.
Shows are on Friday, 29th and Saturday 30th of September, 8pm at « Verlin ».
For more information and tickets see HERE

Constanza Macras DorkyPark

August 2017:
I am happy to collaborate with visual artist Nicole Wendel on her performance piece « Acht » (sound design by Yohei Yamakado) in the frame of the performance night « Trajectories – New Drawing Embodiments #1 », curated by Nicole Wendel and Jan Frühsorge, hosted at the gallery Haus am Lützowplatz, Berlin – 30th of August 2017
See: Haus am Lützowplatz

November-December 2016:
Production of the first part of bilogy « Im Zeughaus » together with media artist Michael Baumann / Oktoskop. Premiere at Alte Aufzugfabrik, Cologne.
Shows: 16th and 17th of December 2016.
The show of the 17th will be part of the birthday celebrations of whistleblower Chelsea Manning.
In cooperation with Chaos Computer Club Cologne and Lars Wittke of the Big-Data-Konferenz.
See: Our production website
See: The venue

Funded by the City of Cologne / Department for Cultural Affairs:

October 2016:
At the Centre National de la Danse in Pantin/Paris
We will be in residency to continue working on « Spectral Schematics » See:

July 2016:
At RAMDAM, un centre d’art in Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon
We are more than excited about the invitation to work on our project at « Ramdam, un centre d’art », the choreographic centre run by choreographer Maguy Marin, at Sainte-Foy-lès-Lyon, France, for three weeks in July. Spectral Schematics will soon know its in-depth research phase in the company of the musician Myriam Pruvot. And we will be joined by dancer Eva Chauvet! A public presentation is scheduled for Friday, the 29th of July. (All photos are taken by photographer Hervé Deroo / Studio Largo)

Kindly supported by:

April 2016: Show of « Spectral Schematics » at Sofia Underground Festival, Bulgaria
Spectral Schematics has been invited to Sofia Underground Festival for Performance to perform outside DNA Theatre at the National Palace of Culture. (Photos by Joro Aranjoro)

Kindly supported by the Goethe-Institut Bulgaria:

February 2016:
Show of « Spectral Schematics » in a new version. A fourth dancer, Iliana Kalapotharakou joined us. In a double bill with « Red, Coffee & Fog » by Nina Berclaz at laborgras, Berlin.
Friday 19th and Saturday, 20th of February 2016
Start time: 20h00
Venue: laborgras, Paul-Lincke-Ufer 44a, 10999 Berlin (U8 Kottbusser Tor)
Tickets available! Click here for more information: laborgras

November 2015:
// UPDATE //

Michael Baumann and I will be in residency at Lake Studios for two weeks starting on the 14th of November.

In the frame of our residency we will give a one-day workshop on interactive visuals for dance covering theory and hands-on exercises. Full fee is 80 EUR, 50 EUR the reduced fee.
Should you be interested in participating, please contact: lakestudios [at] gmail [dot] com.
Here is the link to Lake Studios’ website: Lake Studios Upcoming Workshops

October 2015:
Trailer of « Spectral Schematics » at ada Studio on TanzForumBerlin, documented by Walter Bickmann.
Click here to view the trailer.

Show of « Spectral Schematics » at Ada Studios in Berlin on Saturday and Sunday, 11th and 12th of October.
For further info:

27th of June 2015:
Performance of « Spectral Schematics » at Théâtre de Vanves in Vanves/Paris this 27th of June at 20h30, as part of the Camping events of the Centre National de la Danse.

20th of June 2015:
End of project shows coming up to present the result of our research on Anne Teresa de Keersmaeker’s creation principles as part of the Research Pilot Project #1 at PARTS.
Feel invited on the 20th and 21st of June to Rosas Performance Space in Brussels, 19h00.

March 2015:
First test run with cellular automata coded by media artist Michael Baumann:

The projected cells change colour and/or shape, populate the projection surface or die away depending on the movement.
Michael used V4 to code the algorithm, a Kinect movement sensor to capture my movement and a plain projector to project the response of the cells to my movement onto the floor.
The terms of the relationship between mover and cells are now to be explored:
we need to establish which movement makes the cells change in behaviour, how they react and why they react.

September 2014:
Find Michael Baumann and me at the Choreographic Coding Lab at Uferstudios, Berlin,
from Monday, 22nd to Friday, 26th of September.

A conference and networking event organised by Motion Bank / Node / The Forsythe Company:
Node Forum For Digital Arts

It is supported by and will take place at the same time as the
Retune Festival of Arts, Technology and Science: Retune

Out of the flux and collaboration at CCL emerged « Mitbewohner », an interactive
sound stick designed by Till Bovermann, Amelie Hinrichsen and Josh Rutter.
I had the pleasure to be one of the test persons together with Oliver Connew
and Josh Rutter.
Have a look at the website of Till’s and Amelie’s research group: